Aaah!! Lavazza, Coffee, Yes has only taken effect now (!!) ...not 2 hours ago when I was struggling to finish off a massive chunk of my draft-novel which is going to various publishers next week.
Having said that, it shouldn't take long til I fall asleep of boredom having counted sheep 300 times and I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn as usual. No, the undersigned is taking wedding-pictures at 11.00:) haven't done that for ages. ...
I used to work as a photographer part-time. So we shall see, if the pictures are all fussy it's beacuse i'm still speeding on Lavazza:)
These next few days are so exciting, tomorrow I shall edit what I've written tonight, read up more on Judaism and the culture etc. at Jesus' times, fat up this bit of the draft, finish off marking publishers in the directory.
Saturday, print out the whole thing edit and fat out.
Sunbathe on my terrace believe it or not!
Make a list of the publishers
Sunday, church really exciting because it's Pentecost, the day when, after Jesus' resurrection, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples forthe first time and they started to speak in tongues (The Spiritual language) and also in foreign languages so that everyone could understand them (I've got stories to tell about that, how for example people who don't speak Russian suddenly started to do so to Russian people etc etc.) but it' sa great day for the power of healing and many many things so Sunday at church will be extra special, also the day of global prayer, when all believers around the world arejoined the whole day praying together, amazing. Prayer breaks the prison-wall of the Matrix we live in. Anyway, re-read and if necessary edit for the last time, print off together with nice presentation, cv, etc. blah blah:) pack into little packages and
Monday morrow, off to the post office!
Then...wait..wait..and wait:) And get a result!!!! Or even two where they fight over who will have it:)
I will keep you updated:)
Today I had the great pleasure of speaking with old friends overseas, yes, I was 'supposed to' do other things but I just had to escape it all and it was great: Luciana who I went with to Italy (Milan) 18 years ago..for 6 months which became 3 1/2 years for me and for her, well she's still there, married, 7-year old and one other on the way in July.
Then there's Mimmi:) in Gothenburg who's a chapter on her own, great friend since we were 16 (22 years ago!! oh mine, no wonder I'm looking at L'oreal's revita-lift ads on telly) inventing a code by knocking so we could 'talk' with each other in the night through the wall (no I haven't done time:)
And finally Tomi, in Gothenburg too, who was a head shorter than me 21 years ago but soon became a tree:) who too is expecting a 2nd one in June! All these babies! So, great!
I will see next week, when I take a break from novel-writing, if I can do some blogging and add some fun pictures from then.
Til then off to sheep-land.